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Is Turbinado Sugar Keto-Friendly?

Turbinado Sugar on a kitchen counter

Is Turbinado Sugar Keto-Friendly? Unfortunately, due to its high carbohydrate content, the answer leans towards no.

Following a keto diet requires strict control over carb intake and Turbinado Sugar, with its substantial carb count, does not fit the criteria.


  • Is Turbinado Sugar keto-friendly? The simple answer is no due to its high carbohydrate content.
  • Turbinado Sugar poses a challenge to maintaining ketosis, the metabolic state at the core of a ketogenic diet.
  • Despite its trace mineral content, the drawbacks of Turbinado Sugar, such as potential health issues from high sugar intake, outweigh its benefits.

Is Turbinado Sugar Keto-Friendly?

No, Turbinado Sugar is not keto-friendly. The ketogenic diet, known for its low carb, high-fat requirements, does not align with foods containing high carbohydrate content, such as Turbinado Sugar.

Diving into the nutritional facts provides a clearer picture. Every 100g of Turbinado Sugar comprises a substantial 99.8g of carbohydrates. This amount significantly surpasses the daily carb limit typically set for individuals following a keto diet, which is usually around 20g-50g.

Can You Have Turbinado Sugar On a Strict Keto Diet?

Considering the stringent nature of a strict keto diet, which limits carbohydrate intake to less than 20g per day, consumption of Turbinado Sugar is not advisable. The high carbohydrate content of this type of sugar, even in small serving sizes, would take up a significant portion, if not all, of the daily carb allowance on a strict keto plan.

Even for those on a more relaxed keto or low-carb diet, which usually allows a daily carb intake of 30-50g, incorporating Turbinado Sugar into the diet is not recommended. Despite the increased carb allowance, the carbohydrate content in Turbinado Sugar is simply too high to accommodate without risking disruption of ketosis.

Carbs In Turbinado Sugar

Turbinado Sugar's carbohydrate content is considerable, making up almost the entirety of its composition. It contains a significant 99.8g of carbohydrates per 100g—nearly 100% of its weight. When considering a typical serving size of around 2.0g, the amount of net carbs is still 2.0g. For a diet that restricts carb intake, these figures are substantial.

As a reference, the glycemic index (GI) is a relative ranking of carbohydrate in foods according to how they affect blood glucose levels. Foods low on the glycemic index (GI) scale tend to release glucose slowly and steadily, while foods high on the glycemic index release glucose rapidly.

Turbinado Sugar Nutrition Facts

Turbinado Sugar, a type of raw sugar, is packed with a variety of nutrients, both macro and micronutrients. For every 100g, it carries 399.0kcal, meaning it's a high-energy food. The primary nutrient in Turbinado Sugar is carbohydrate, making up nearly its entire composition with 99.8g.

Though not significant in quantity, Turbinado Sugar does contain a range of minerals. Sodium is present in small amounts, with 3.0mg per 100g. Potassium, a vital mineral for the body's cell functions, is present with 29.0mg. It also contains traces of Magnesium (2.0mg), essential for nerve and muscle function, and Calcium (12.0mg), crucial for bone health.

On the micronutrient front, Turbinado Sugar contains small quantities of several trace minerals. There's Iron (0.37mg), which contributes to the production of red blood cells, and Copper (0.01mg), necessary for the body to form collagen. Phosphorus, Zinc, and Manganese are also present in trace amounts, with 1.0mg, 0.03mg, and 0.05mg respectively.

Nutrient NameAmount and Unit per 100g
Carbohydrate, by difference 99.8g
Sodium, Na 3.0mg
Potassium, K 29.0mg
Magnesium, Mg 2.0mg
Calcium, Ca 12.0mg
Copper, Cu 0.01mg
Iron, Fe 0.37mg
Phosphorus, P 1.0mg
Zinc, Zn 0.03mg
Manganese, Mn 0.05mg
Calories 399.0kcal
Water 0.03g
This data was provided by the US Department of Agriculture's FoodData Central system.
'Turbinado Sugar' was not found in FoodData Central, so nutritional data for 'Sugar, turbinado' was used instead under Cast Iron Keto's editorial and research standards.

Health Implications of Turbinado Sugar on a Keto Diet

The consumption of Turbinado Sugar on a keto diet can pose challenges in maintaining the state of ketosis due to its high carbohydrate content. Including Turbinado Sugar in the diet might lead to an excessive intake of carbohydrates, which can disrupt the metabolic state of ketosis necessary for the benefits of a ketogenic diet.

From a nutritional perspective, Turbinado Sugar does offer some benefits. It contains trace amounts of minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, zinc, and manganese. However, the amounts present are minimal, and there are many more nutrient-dense foods available that can provide these minerals without the accompanying high carbohydrate content.

Keto-Compatible Alternatives for Turbinado Sugar

  1. Erythritol: This sugar alcohol is a popular choice as a sugar substitute in keto diets due to its low carb content and near-zero calories. It has a sweetness close to that of sugar, making it a suitable replacement in recipes where Turbinado Sugar would be used. For example, it can be used in baking or in sweetening beverages.
  2. Stevia: A natural sweetener derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant, this zero-calorie sweetener contains no carbohydrates. It is much sweeter than sugar, so a smaller quantity is needed for the same level of sweetness. It can be used across a range of recipes, from smoothies to baked goods.
  3. Monk Fruit Sweetener: Another natural sweetener, monk fruit extract is also calorie-free and contains no carbs. It's much sweeter than sugar, so care must be taken to adjust quantities in recipes. It works well in a variety of dishes, including sauces, desserts, and beverages.
  4. Xylitol: While it does contain some carbs, the amount is significantly lower than in sugar, making it a better fit for a keto diet. It has a similar level of sweetness to sugar, and it can be used in baking, cooking, and beverage preparation.

Concluding Thoughts on Turbinado Sugar and Keto

In reflecting on Turbinado Sugar and its compatibility with a keto diet, it's clear that the high carbohydrate content of this sugar makes it a less than ideal choice. While it does contain trace amounts of several minerals, the nutritional benefits are far outweighed by its significant carb content, which can easily disrupt ketosis and hinder the success of a ketogenic diet.

The indulgence in Turbinado Sugar, despite its less refined nature compared to white sugar, can lead to health implications over time if consumed excessively. Therefore, it's best to avoid this sugar when following a keto diet.

Exploring alternatives like erythritol, Stevia, monk fruit sweetener, and xylitol can be a great way to maintain the sweetness in your dishes without compromising on the keto guidelines. These alternatives, each with their unique properties, can be effectively used in various recipes, offering a sweetness similar to Turbinado Sugar with fewer carbs.

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Cast Iron Keto's Editorial and Research Standards

Certain rare or exotic food items may not have nutritional profiles in the FoodData Central database. If an exact match is not found in the FoodData Central database, then, the Cast Iron Keto team utilizes a three-prong approach to provide readers with the closest relevant nutritional data, where possible.

First, in the event that nutritional profiles for a rare or exotic food item is not available in the FoodData Central database, we investigate alternative names for that particular food item and use that data, when possible. Second, in cases where no alternate names exist, Cast Iron Keto will use nutritional data for a close relative or similar food item. Finally, if no close relatives or similar items exist, we refrain from publishing nutrient data tables.

When making dietary or health decisions based on FoodData Central's data, we suggest readers consult with a nutritionist or other health experts, particularly if the food in question has a significant role in your diet or if you are using the food item to treat any health disorder(s).

Furthermore, it is important to note that even if a close relative or similar item is used to approximate the nutritional data, different food items can have varying levels of nutrients due to factors such as soil quality, farming practices, and regional differences.


The information on this website is only intended to be general summary information for public use, designed for educational purposes only and is not engaged in rendering medical advice or professional services. This information does not replace written law or regulations, nor does it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have questions about a medical condition or are seeking to evaluate the health merits of certain food items for the treatment of any medical condition, you should seek the advice of a doctor or other qualified health professionals.

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Frequently Asked Questions

No, due to its high carbohydrate content, Turbinado Sugar is not a good fit for a ketogenic diet.

The high carbohydrate content of Turbinado Sugar can increase your total carb intake, potentially disrupting the state of ketosis which is central to a ketogenic diet.